For Partners

The Assembly of Four Municipalities is a LEADER regional action group, which was founded in 2006 and unites Harku, Saue, Saku and Kiili rural municipalities. The whole area of ​​activity is atypical in the current context of Estonia, as the main problem is not the decrease of the rural population and the accompanying socio-economic decline, but rather the growing pressure on public services as a result of immigration.

Thanks to newer-than-average new residents, municipalities increase their income, but also have to spend more resources on the development of schools, kindergartens, roads and utility networks, and on serving the population. Therefore, the area strategy focuses on strong and innovative measures to develop civil society.

Four Municipalities The whole strategy was based on research in four different areas: public transport, light traffic roads, suburbanisation and tourism. Some of these areas are within the competence of local governments and some are part of the county's responsibilities. The measures proposed at the time of drawing up the strategy could not be financed under the measures of this Leader program, and a choice was made in the strategy that could be financed from Leader-type measures.

The main goals of the strategy are:

1.Human-friendly and safe living environment and various leisure facilities, the necessary infrastructure has been thoughtfully developed.

2.Communities are strong, active and cohesive.

3.The number of both local jobs and services has increased.

4.The number of services and products aimed at tourists has increased and there is effective cooperation in the field of tourism.

Video contains examples of LEADER projects of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 2014-2020, Nelja Valla Kogu and Lääne-Harju Koostöökogu